Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Keri & Rob's Wedding

Hey Gang,

Once again we’ve been blessed with beautiful weather, as most of my couples know I follow the forecast all week before a wedding and up until Thurs it was calling for rain all day Saturday but Friday told a story about dry warm weather. So what do you do when you get great weather, a hot couple and an awesome wedding party we take amazing photos of course! *LOL* Its always a true blessing to be part of such a wonderful day and especially when their are beautiful kids involved big shout outs to future models Desirée and Aaliyah that made adorable Jr. Brides maid and flower girl. I don’t usually get to shoot in my hometown but it was a real treat to see some old faces from back in the day. I got to sit with an old high-school friend that I have seen in years. My compliments to the Portuguese hall for putting together an entertaining and delicious meal and to our wild DJ Adam you went out with style bro! To my fantastic couple thank you for sharing your day with me, I’m truly honored. Enjoy eachother and your beautiful kids. God bless, bw.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Raluca & Mircea's Wedding

Hey Everyone!

So what to do you do when you’re surrounded by gorgeous people? You party like a rock star! This past Saturday was exactly that, a wicked party! I met Raluca at Sabrina's wedding 3 years ago and Mircea at Cat's wedding last year so you could say we knew each other pretty well! They're E-session was HOT and the pics turned out awesome so you know I was super excited to top that and I think we did a pretty good job. But what can you expect when you have a couple that belong in any fashion mag with the matching wedding party to go! Thanks to the guys for sticking it out through the rain with me and to the girls thanks for looking so good! *wink* And to my awesome couple you it was pleasure to stick around for your dance it was as beautiful as you are, wish you all the best and we'll catch up soon! Cheers, bw.

p.s. I told you that the rain would hold up for us, it’s been that kind of year for me…Blessed!